Lesson 17: Configuration Management¶
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Configuration Management¶
“Configuration management is the process of standardizing resource configurations and enforcing their state across IT infrastructure in an automated yet agile manner.”
- Puppet Labs
In short, Configuration Management is the concept of turning your server infrastructure into code.
Setting up a server manually is cumbersome. Installing your operating system, setting up users, copying files, installing packages, and all the other things you need to do to get a server up and running takes time and resources. An alternative that has become popular in the past decade is writing code that allows you to state what you want to happen. The infrastructure-as-code is written once and can be run on hundreds of thousands of servers and each machine will be setup exactly as the same as all the others.
user { 'audience':
ensure => present,
Short History of CM¶
In the beginning there were no computers.
Then many years passed and eventually we built the first computer.
Then a few years after that we had more computers than we really had time to manage. Things got out of hand pretty quick.
Eventually system administrators were manually managing dozens, or even hundreds, of computers. When a computer is manually managed it’s called a Special Snowflake. Special Snowflakes are setup manually and are very fragile. Unfortunately companies like Facebook and Google can’t scale Special Snowflakes quickly and easily, so they had to figure out a better solution.
The answer was Configuration Management. The earliest incarnations were shell scripts that you would run on a server, but those weren’t perfect and required re-inventing the wheel quite a bit. Eventually more standardized tools were created to solve this Special Snowflake problem in a way that scaled faster, iterated quicker, and worked more dependably.
Concept: Infrastructure as Code¶
Infrastructure as code is the act of describing what you want your servers to look like once, and using that to provision many machines to look the same. It turns pets into cattle.
Pets (or Special Snowflakes) are servers you manage by hand and care very much about. If a Pet dies it takes a while to get over, while you can get a new Pet it won’t be the same and will take a while to potty-train.
A Cattle is not important on it’s own, all you care about is the herd. If one cattle dies you’ve got dozens more – you’ve still got a herd. Infrastructure as code allows you to treat servers like cattle instead of pets.
Provisioning is running your CM code that tells the server what to install and which files to write, automatically doing what you would usually do manually. This is much faster than a person doing it and is less error prone.
- Install packages, configure software, start/stop services.
- Ensure/guarantee a specific state of a machine.
- Provide history of changes for a system.
- Repeatable way of rebuilding a system.
- Orchestrate a cluster of services together.
Pull vs Push Models¶
Configuration Management tools tend to implement one (or both) of these models of management. These are the ways a given configuration management tool actually does the things it has to do, like installing packages and writing files.
- Pull Model
- Scales well but difficult to manage.
- The server being provisioned (node) runs an agent (daemon) that asks a central authority (master) if/when it has any updates that it should run.
- Requires a daemon to be installed on all machines and a central authority to be setup.
- Push Model
- Simple to manage and setup but not scalable.
- A central server contacts the nodes and sends updates as they are needed.
- When a change is made to the infrastructure (code) each node is alerted of this and they run the changes.
- Puppet
- Chef
- CFEngine
- Ansible
- Saltstack
Puppet (the software and company) has been around since 2005! It’s used by huge customers like WalMart and is known for it’s stability.
- Uses custom CM Language.
- Primary Push Model.
- Widely Adopted.
- Very stable.
- Difficult to get setup.
[ Puppet Site ]
Chef has been around since 2009 and is most known for being configured via the Ruby programming language. It has a very similar feature-set to Puppet.
- Primarily Push Model.
- Code files are Ruby.
- Widely Adopted.
- Difficult to setup.
[ Chef Site ]
CFEngine is a very old configuration management software (started in 1993!) and is best known for being exceptionally fast and stable, but difficult to change / adapt quickly.
- Fast at execution, slow at adaptation.
- Very old.
- Stable.
[ CFEngine Site ]
Ansible is notoriously easy to setup and use. It does not use a programming language to describe the state of software but declares the state of a machine with the yaml markup language.
- Easy to use.
- Easy to setup.
- Does not scale well.
[ Ansible Site ]
Declaration Configuration¶
Declaration Configuration is the concept of declaring the state a machine ought to be in and letting the configuration management reach that state however it feels is appropriate. This is advantageous because it can short-circuit a process by checking if it is already in that state before attempting to install/copy/configure a part of the system.
Here is some Declaration Configuration pseudo-code:
packages [nginx, python, vim]
state installed
update true
service nginx
state enabled
alert service myapp_daemon
In this case we used declaration configuration to install a list of packages and keep them updated. We also enabled a service so nginx will be run when the machine is turned on. Lastly we told our pseudo-configuration-management to alert another service. This means that there is a block somewhere else in the code for service myapp_daemon which will always get run when the service nginx block gets run.
Chef Example¶
- Install apache and start the service
- Configuration is called a ‘recipe’
- Written as pure Ruby code
package "apache" do
package_name "httpd"
action :install
service "apache" do
action [:enable, :start]
Since chef uses Ruby you can do loops and other cool Ruby-isms in your configuration management. This can be a gift and a curse.
Puppet Example¶
- Install apache and start the service
- Configuration is called a ‘manifest’
- Puppet DSL based on Ruby
package { "apache":
name => "httpd",
ensure => present,
service { "apache":
name => "apache",
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package["apache"],
Since Puppet designed its own language you are more limited in what you can express, but this isn’t always a bad thing. It’s feature rich and can do pretty much anything that Chef can.
Ansible Example¶
- Install apache and start the service
- Configuration is called a ‘playbook’
- Uses YAML file format for configuration
- hosts: all
- name: Install Apache
name: httpd
state: present
- name: Start Apache Service
name: httpd
state: running
enabled: yes
Ansible’s language is Yaml, which is basically JSON but easier to read and write. This is similar to Puppet in it limits the possible functionality, but again: these tools all achieve the same result, they just get there in different ways.
Further Reading¶
- Ansible’s Documentation is comprehensive and contains an easy-to-follow “Getting Started” guide.
- Kitchen-CI is a Chef oriented testing system
- Puppet Learning VM is a prebuilt VM for learning Puppet’s fundamental
- concepts